This Gary Player Back Flip Is Pure Electricity

Not sure why but that video made me laugh out loud. Gary Player can’t stop won’t stop making us all look like a bunch of pussies. Every time I tell myself I can’t do something, there goes Gary Player doing it at the ripe age of 81. Think about it. Gary’s friends are dying left and right. He can’t have that many left. His counterparts are shoving off into the dark abyss at a rapid rate. And what is Gary doing? Hiding under the blankets and waiting for the cold touch of the Grim Reaper? Nope. Gary is doing mother fucking back flips off of boats like a teenager. I will say, and I don’t wanna critique the quality of an 81 year old man’s back flip, but he didn’t quite get full rotation. He didn’t quite get all the way around. Kinda sorta landed on his head. Still impressive given his age but, as the kids are saying nowadays, I gotta keep it 100.

Dude, relax

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